Opening Boundaries campaigns aiming to use sport as a positive tool for equality and peace.
Opening Boundaries have been using various campaigns to raise awareness of, and promote Gender Equality through sport, whilst at the same time celebrating the success of women on and off the field of play.
The sporting events are set up in safe, inclusive and non intimidating environments allowing for people to come together and open positive dialogue on various topics through sport. The events also provide an opportunity for women and girls, so they too can display their sporting abilities.
Current campaigns include , I Support #BowlingOut and #TacklingKnifeCrime
Through campaigning we hope to empower males and females to have the confidence to become positive citizens who stand up and use their platform through sport today, for an equal and peaceful tomorrow.
Managing Director of Opening Boundaries Halima Khan stated “
“Sport is a powerful tool for engagement in bringing people from different backgrounds together, whilst raising awareness of gender parity on many levels".
“For me personally, I am extremely proud to be showcasing the diverse range of women who play sport from a grassroots level and especially those from minority communities. Our events will be a fantastic campaign for everyone to get involved and show their support”
This events are expected to grow in the coming years, and we will look to campaign across various sports for women's equality both on and off the field of play.